Our Partners...

In the past Davis Grain was a business with an exclusive agreement within a specific geographic area. Our business has changed and we have strategically partnered with other business’s that complement one another to help Davis Grain offer our customers more options to help market and store their grain across all South Australia. Davis Grain is proud to represent the following companies as well as carefully selected buyers that include exporters and domestic end users. 


Davis Grain is a respected grain marketing business in SA’s Mid North with a focus on exceptional customer service, efficiency, and market knowledge.

Davis Grain has been working with farmers for more than 15 years to help them achieve the best outcome for their grain.

12 Ayr St, Jamestown SA 5491
Phone: (08) 8664 1789

Wayne Davis 0428 810 235

Subscribe to Graintalk...

Grain Talk is a free newsletter emailed to Davis Grain customer on a weekly basis. We cover the weekly movements for the grain markets, in particular wheat, feed grains and oilseeds, to help you make more informed decisions. Please fill in the information below to subscribe to this service.
